Sie sind hier: Startseite Programm Saturday, 11/24/2007

Saturday, 11/24/2007

Unbenanntes Dokument

Session One – Synapse I (Chairstudent: Benjamin Weiche)

Professor Antoine Triller is head of the Biology department at Ecole Normale Supérieure. The work of his lab focuses on the cell biology and molecular mechanisms of receptor accumulation at synapses during development and plasticity and its interactions with the immune system. Since few years he has focused on synaptic receptor dynamics combining cell biology with high-resolution real-time imaging. In the last year, together with physicist he has developed new methods using quantum dots to study single receptors movements in the neuronal plasma membrane. (Abstract)

10.00 – 10.45
Professor Cord-Michael Becker coordinates the study course Molecular Medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. His research mainly focuses on intracellular signaling cascades, molecular basis of hyperkinetic disorders (e.g. correlated with defects in Glycin- / GABA-receptors) as well as NMDAR-dependent neurotoxicity. (Abstract)

10.45 – 11.30
Professor Arthur Konnerth is head of the Institute of Neurosciences of the Technical University Munich. In 2001, he was decorated with the Leibnitz-Award of the DFG. Concernig science, A. Konnerth is interested in motoric learning processes which highly depend on synaptic plasticity as well as in the actions of neurotrophins. (Abstract)

Professor Eckart Gundelfinger of the Leibnitz-Intitute of Neurobiology Marburg focuses on the role of active zones, especially on characterisation of the proteins Bassoon and Piccolo. (Abstract)


Lunch break 12.15-13.30


Session Two - Development (Chairstudent: Jonas Sauer)

Professor Vassilis Pachnis is head of the National Institue for Medical Research in London and works on the development of the enteric and central nervous system as well as interneuron migration. The transcription factor lim homeobox 6 (Lhx6) is one major determinant of differentiation and tangential migration of GABAergic interneurons. (Abstract)

Professor Dietmar Fischer works at the University Hospital of Ulm. He is interested in regeneration of the retina such as increased regeneration of retinal ganglionic cells after injury of the lens. The recently discovered protein LINA (lens injury induced factor with neurite outgrouth promoting activity) is critically involved and that process. (Abstract)


Coffe break 15.00 - 15.45


Session Three – Synapse II (Chairstudent: Michael Barz)

Professor Bernd Fakler is head of the Institute of Physiology II of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universtity Freiburg and speaker of the SFB 746 (“functional specificity by coupling and modification of proteins”). He works on presynptically located signaling super-complexes consisting of – among others - Calcium channels and Ca2+-activated K+ channels. (Abstract)

Professor Michael Frotscher is head of the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Leibniz-laureate and an internationally known expert of hippocampal research. He is especially interested in the role of reelin in neuronal migration and ultrastructural properties of synapses. (Abstract)

Professor Peter Jonas is head of the Institute of Physiology I of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universtity Freiburg. After working on Na+channels, synaptic release mechanisms and interneuron networks of the hippocampus for several years, he was decorated with the Leibnitz-Award of the DFG in 2006. (Abstract)


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